Elie Lescot, Minister From Haiti-Here for your perusal is an extraordinary image of Elie Lescot. It was taken 1939 November 9 by Harris & Ewing.-The illustration documents Elie Lescot, Minister From Haiti, and Dana C. Monroe, Former Minister to Haiti and Now Head of Princeton’s School of Public Affairs. -We have compiled this collection of photos primarily to serve as a vital educational tool. Thank you for visiting this site, and browsing through these old pictures. Contact curator@old-picture.com. -Image ID# F0D545A0


Don Gilberto
4 min readFeb 1, 2018

RAFAEL TRUJILLO Y ELIE LESCOT: EL PODER DEL JEFE EN LA ISLAhttps://medium.com/@gilbertmervilus/rafael-trujillo-y-elie-lescot-el-poder-del-jefe-en-la-isla-bd139c012a61

LE PRÉSIDENT HAITIEN QUI DÉCLARA LA GUERRE A L’ALLEMAGNE, L’ITALIE et LE JAPONhttps://medium.com/@gilbertmervilus/le-pr%C3%A9sident-haitien-qui-d%C3%A9clara-la-guerre-a-lallemagne-l-italie-et-le-japon-c43cb86e481f

«JE DECLARE LA GUERRE A L’ALLEMAGNE»” https://medium.com/@gilbertmervilus/je-declare-la-guerre-a-lallemagne-eacd80a464a2

“Le président Lescot accompagne jusqu’à sa résidence à Pétion-Ville l’ancien président Sténio…https://medium.com/@gilbertmervilus/le-pr%C3%A9sident-lescot-accompagne-jusqu%C3%A0-sa-r%C3%A9sidence-%C3%A0-p%C3%A9tion-ville-l-ancien-pr%C3%A9sident-st%C3%A9nio-e04739df77a

Why Haiti Remains Poorhttps://medium.com/@gilbertmervilus/this-photograph-from-early-1946-is-a-rare-record-of-a-gathering-of-the-intellectual-vanguard-of-21eee0fc7c1d

LE PREMIER ARTICLE PUBLIÉ SUR L’ACADÉMIE MILITAIRE D’HAÏTI, en 1945…https://medium.com/@gilbertmervilus/le-premier-article-publi%C3%A9-sur-lacad%C3%A9mie-militaire-d-ha%C3%AFti-5a6f56349ad0

Ceci est une image des Archives nationales des Pays-Bas, donnée dans le cadre d’un programme de partenariat. Fichier:President Elie Lescot van Haïti op Curaçao wordt op vliegveld Hato ontvangen doo, Bestanddeelnr 935–1574.jpg

Enlaces Rafael Leonidas Trujillo y Molinahttps://medium.com/@gilbertmervilus/enlaces-rafael-leonidas-trujillo-y-molina-b3bedffa9205

a suivre…



PORT AU PRINCE, Haiti, Oct. 22 (AP) — Elie Lescot, President of Haiti from May 15, 1941, to Jan. 11, 1946, died today at La Boule, Haiti. He was 90 years old.

A Violent Regime

Elie Lescot was a suave, affable man of great charm that masked his rule as a harsh dicator.

As President he ruled his Caribbean nation by martial law and put sharp restrictions on the press. He lived well, just as he had in prevous years, as Ambassador to the United States.

On one occasion, during his tour of duty in Washington, he received $60,000 from Port au Prince to buy arms. He spent $35,000 without buying a single, gun, and was saved only by a check from Rafael Leonidas Trujillo, the dictator of the neighboring Dominican Republic.

Popular at the outset of his Presidency, he soon fell from favor even with the wealthy mulatto elite ruling class.

They charged that he had allowed his sons, Foreign Minister Gerard Lescot and Lieutenant Roger Lescot, to acquire expropriated German property, and they feared that he had lost official favor with the United States.

In his five‐year regime living costs multiplied threefold and the average peasant was getting by on a single meal a day.

Mr. Lescot was overthrown on Jan. 11, 1946, by a coup headed by Col. Frank Levaud, the Army Chief of Staff. A military communiqué explained that the Lescot Government had been unable to organize a new Cabinet, including representatives of all parties, to face what it called the country’s “exceptionally tragic situation.”

The Haitians celebrated the change with wild demonstrations, mass excitement and violence, with several persons ?? and others beaten by the police.

The immediate cause for the ouster of Mr. Lescot, the third attempt to unseat him, was the Government’s closing of a student newspaper and forcible dissolution of the student demonstrations held in protest.

It was not until the following August that full quiet was restored and a new President, Dumarsais Estime, a Democrat and a “black moderate,” was elected by the General Constitutent Assembly.

ELIE LESCOT DIES; LEADER IN HAITI https://nyti.ms/2Eqt5gg



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